Connect & engage through creative mediums that make sense for you.

Communications, marketing, design

It's time to take your communications and visual design seriously. My approach? You can take something seriously without being too serious. That's how I like to approach any project.

From designing a communications strategy to designing illustrations and graphics, I thrive in the sweet spot of considering 1) how a message or design will resonate with your audience and 2) what kind of engagement pathways we can create for them to plug into.

Are you launching a new initiative in dire need of a communications and marketing strategy? Do you need social media posts that get your voice and content right every time?

Heartseed Creative can help you make an impact.

Communications Strategy + Management

Services for you: 

  • Short and long-term communications strategy for programs, events, digital campaigns, and organizational initiatives.   
  • Various packages of content creation — from social media posts and long- or short-form blogs, to event messaging or promotional toolkits, I can do it all. 
  • Social media management + engagement with your audiences. Not only content creation and posting here; I also mean truly engaging with your followers to build your brand. 
  • Email campaigns and newsletters; from content writing to designing in your email platform whether it's Constant Contact, Mailchimp, or something in between.  
  • Brand and communications audits; let's take a deep dive into what's working well, what isn't, and what the pathway to more impact might look like. 
  • Editorial calendars; let's set your digital communications up for success with an outline for what to do when (from internal programs to external themes and holidays). 
Don't see a specific need listed here? Considering the cost? Reach out and let's chat about how we can put together a package that makes sense for you.  

communications strategy + management

digital marketing

graphic design + custom illustration

Digital Marketing + Automation

communications strategy + management

graphic design + custom illustration

  • Paid / organic digital marketing strategies and execution for your event, program, or campaign.  
  • Conversion design for your website; let's use the science of psychology to build your email lists and earn engagement through banner bars, embedded forms, pop-ups, and more. 
  • Google Ad Grant set up and facilitation; don't miss out on the $10,000 available monthly to nonprofits. 
  • Email drip campaigns; interested in engaging your subscriber audience passively, so you can spend more time on the work? Let's build an engagement or educational email series to keep your audiences coming back. 
  • All things automation; okay I'll say it — I love Zapier, and you should too. It's time to make it work for your 
Don't see a specific need listed here? Considering the cost? Reach out and let's chat about how we can put together a package that makes sense for you.  

digital marketing + automation

graphic design + custom illustration

Services for you: 

communications strategy + management

digital marketing + automation

graphic design + custom illustration

  • Event branding and collateral design; helping you create a seamless look for your event marketing, from social media and presentation decks, to print collateral and banners. 
  • Social media graphics; optimizing text and assets across platforms to tell your story. 
  • Report or book layout and design; nothing says impact like a beautifully-crafted publication that meets your branding guidelines. 
  • Custom illustration; explore the power of hand-drawn digital art to make your audiences, stop, stare, and experience your work in a new way. (And remember you, of course!)

Graphic Design + Custom Illustration

Services for you: 

Don't see a specific need listed here? Considering the cost? Reach out and let's chat about how we can put together a package that makes sense for you.  

I have worked closely with Lauren since 2017, collaborating on dozens of robust climate change communications and storytelling campaigns. 

She is always a joy to work with, and I have appreciated how adeptly she can solve problems on the fly with integrity, thoughtfulness, and grace. But it has been the most gratifying to witness Lauren shine as the founder of Heartseed Creative LLC, honing her skills to fuse art and communication strategy to bring messages of climate justice and social change to life.

Lauren is immensely creative, fun, and deeply committed to her craft.

Jothsna Harris, Change Narrative LLC

Lauren is one of the most creative problem solvers I have worked with, bringing deep integrity and passion for sustainability and justice across her work! 

 More importantly, she does this work collaboratively, rooted in a shared vision and leadership, asks tough questions with deep care, and makes impossible dreams and reality. 

Sarah Goodspeed, Union of Concerned Scientists

Hire Heartseed Creative with Change Narrative
to bring climate stories to life 

with art and

tell climate

Hiring Heartseed Creative is a no-brainer.

before hiring me

  • Your digital presence is inconsistent and "all over the place."
  • You make decisions last minute about how to best reach your target audiences. 
  • Your brand or design identity is lacking — audiences are unable to recognize you consistently across your materials.
  • Your internal communications systems are adhoc at best. 
  • You aren't making room for creativity in your communications; you haven't yet employed art or illustration to tell the story of your constituents or programs. 
  • From your website to your social media channels, your digital presence is set up for cohesion, building trust with your audience. 
  • You have a communications and marketing strategy for how, and when, to reach your audiences. 
  • Your print and digital materials are beauti-fied under your existing or new visual brand guidelines. 
  • You have a new roadmap for internal communications systems to make it easier for your team to do their best work. 
  • You have created space for creativity in your process, capitalizing on opportunities to bring more eyeballs to your work.

after hiring me